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Castle Hill High School

Partnership with Parents   

At Castle Hill we believe that education is a partnership between students, parents and school. All three partners need to work together to create a secure foundation for learning. Therefore, we encourage our students and their parents to become actively involved in the life of the school. 

Parents and carers are always welcome to visit or contact school, although it is helpful if you telephone or email us in the first instance. When making appointments, it is helpful to indicate the reason so that the relevant information can be made available.  Any letters received will be answered as soon as possible. 

School communicates with parents in a number of ways: 

  • SeeSaw online learning app (used in Year 7)
  • Satchel (online homework monitoring)
  • Phone calls and texts
  • Emails
  • The school website and X(formerly Twitter) 
  • Weekly blog
  • Letters
  • Termly progress reports (December, April & July)
  • Annual review report (date will depend upon year group)
  • Annual review meetings (date will depend upon year group)
  • Parents' Evenings 
  • Parent Groups (meets half-termly)
  • Drop-in events eg. Open School Morning, coffee mornings
  • We may also contact you if we have reason to be concerned over any aspect of your child’s progress or behaviour  

Should you need to contact school, the office staff will be able to help with most routine queries and if they can't help they'll find the person who can.

If you need to speak to a specific teacher, it's often easier to phone before or after school (all teachers are in school until at least 3.30pm). If a teacher isn't available then they will call you back at a time convenient for you. Email is a great way of dealing with non-urgent queries or for keeping in contact over homework, medical appointments etc. Email addresses of all our teachers can be found on the school website.

A very useful contact in school is Mrs Johnston, our Family & Multi-Agency Link Officer. Mrs Johnston is the Family and Multi Agency Link Officer. She is available to meet with parents/carers to discuss any concerns you may have about their child and will provide a link to the most appropriate source of support either within school or with other professionals in the wider community. Mrs Johnston can also be contacted by phone or email, pauline.johnston@castlehill.stockport.sch.uk.

Our Pupil Support Team are also available to discuss behaviour and pastoral issues. Again, they can be contacted by phone or email.

You can, of course, arrange a visit to school at any time to discuss your child's progress or to just have a look round.        

All parents will receive the letter below which outlines in detail the communication you can expect from school. 

Parent Communication Expectations Letter

In recognition of the outstanding efforts in working with parents and carers we were awarded the Leading Parent Partnership Award in 2017 and had the award re-accredited in December 2020 and September 2024. 

Leading Parent Partnership Award Report Castle Hill High September 24


Wellbeing Award in Schools logo