Castle Hill Blog 29/09/23
This week has been joyous with a steady stream of pupils visiting my office to show me the fabulous work that they have created. I have been delighted to award them well deserved headteacher's credits. I know some of you will be slurping a sensational supper of spaghetti bolognaise tonight whipped up by your child in their food technology lessons, can they tell you the secret ingredient which makes it super yummy?
All About Me!
Look at these beautiful masterpieces created by some of our creative and inspirational Year 8 pupils. They had to choose words and textures that best described/demonstrated their personality traits.
Car Parking
Please can I strongly urge you to park in the overflow car park (the old Life Leisure) so that cars and mini-buses that are dropping off can do so safely and at ease. The turning circle is not a parking space, people should only be there for a matter of seconds to drop their child off before leaving. Also, the parking spaces by the main entrance should only really be used by children who have severe mobility difficulties or minibuses. I am in discussions with the local authority and other external services to try and improve the situation but I need all parents and carers to work with me and the school too. Thank you for your support, it is appreciated!
Looking Ahead, Dates for the Diary!
Date |
Event |
Wed 4th October (3.00-5.00pm) |
Post 18 information event at school |
Fri 13th October |
Flu vaccinations |
Thurs 19th October |
Lost Property in Reception – 2.30-3.15pm |
Fri 20th October |
Break up for October half term holidays |
Mon 30th October |
Return to school after the holidays |
Thurs 9th November (9.30-11.30am) |
Parents’ Open Morning |
w/c 13th November |
Anti-Bullying Week |
Fri 24th November |
INSET day (no pupils in school) |
Thurs 21st December |
Break up for the Christmas holidays |
Mon 8th January |
Return to school after the holidays |
And Finally...
Our talented and incredibly hard working site manager Andy MacFall has transformed the grey courtyard at the back of the library into a really beautiful space for pupils to read and reflect.