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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog, 29.04.2022

Work Experience

Year 11 students have been on work experience this week; working in places such as cafes, shops, offices, hairdressers and garages. Work experience is a vital part of our careers curriculum, as it give students real life experience of the world of work. Miss Wheeler, our Careers Lead, has visited all of the students and has been overwhelmed by the the positive feedback received from employers. 

Many thanks to those of you who provided, or helped to find, work placements and a massive well done to all our Year 11 students.... we're very proud of you!


Duke of Edinburgh expedition

Year 13 students have been braving the elements this week as they took part in a three day practice expedition for their Duke of Edinburgh Award. They used compasses and maps to navigate their way around Dunham Massey and Lyme Parks and then prepared their own campsite food, before spending the night under canvas. Again, well done to this group of students, for one of them it was their first night away from home EVER!

Towards independence

Both of the above news stories brilliantly exemplify what Castle Hill is all about. If your child is in Years 7 or 8 it might sometimes be difficult to envisage what the future holds for them. All of the students who took part in work experience and the DofE expedition this week were just like your child a few years ago. Working in partnership with home, we develop resilience, confidence and independence in all of our students..... and once they've got that, anything is possible!


Have a great weekend! Don't forget we're closed on Monday as it's May Day Bank Holiday.




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