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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog, 25.11.2022

Celebrating our Superstars

Stars In Our Schools is a organised by the trade union UNISON as a celebration of all school support staff across the UK.

It takes a whole team to make a school a safe and happy place for children to learn. School support staff help children learn, keep children safe and healthy and make sure schools run smoothly. This couldn't be more true than at Castle Hill, where our support staff do an amazing job. 

In our assemblies this week we thanked all our support staff, from teaching assistants to cleaners, the office staff and our brilliant caretaker. Students then had the opportunity to nominate support staff who help them.... needless to say, the nominations flooded in and our special gold star pin badges were everywhere!

Marathon man

A special shout out to William in Year 11, who ran 3km earlier in the month, raising £120 in sponsorship for Children in Need.  His mum sent in a photo, but he's running so fast it's hard to make him out in the distance! Well done William!

 Meet the author

A group of KS4 pupils met with author, Glynis Cooper last Friday. She read an extract from her book, ‘Stockport in the Great War’. Students also asked her questions about her career and how she came to be an author.

Year 11 Work Experience

A diary date for parents and carers of Year 11 students; their work experience will take place during the week of 24-28th April 2023. We pride ourselves on getting as many students as possible out to experience the world of work and feedback from both employers and students is always excellent. If anyone knows of any local businesses that might be able to offer placements, even for just one or two days, during that week, please contact Miss Wheeler, our careers and lifelong learning lead. rhian.wheeler@castlehill.stockport.sch.uk.

Help with the Cost of Living Crisis

Stockport Council have asked us to signpost sources of support to help people get through the coming winter:

Advice, support or emergency assistance

Winter support vouchers

We've also posted details of Stockport's 'Warm Spaces' initiative on our Twitter account, @CastleHIllHigh. 

Hold on to your Reindeer!

You've danced to Blue Monday! You've splashed the cash on Black Friday! But the event that everyone will be talking about is just around the corner.... Red Saturday! It's our Christmas Fayre on Saturday 3rd December, from 10.00-12.00. Check out the details below.

I still say it should be 'fair' not 'fayre'.... but I was overruled, which doesn't seem fair! (See what I did there?)

Have a great weekend folks!

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