Castle Hill Blog, 25.02.2022
Wellbeing Award
Here at Castle Hill we are working to achieve a school improvement award - The Wellbeing Award.
In order to evaluate our current provision, we need your input. Your views are important in helping us understand what we are doing well and how we can do even better.
Please follow the link below to complete the survey.
It should only take a couple of minutes. Please respond no later than 12th March 2022.
All responses and suggestions will be carefully considered and used to plan a range of school improvements. If you have any queries about this survey, please contact julie.Stonier@castlehill.
Covid update
Despite the easing of Covid regulations, the Government is recommending that students and staff in secondary special schools continue to carry out twice weekly lateral flow tests at home. If you run short of test kits please contact school and we'll send you a fresh supply.
Public Health are also recommending that anybody who tests positive for Covid continues to self-isolate for at least 5 full days. Sticking to this guidance is crucial for us if we are to avoid the situation we had with staff absences before the half-term break. Many thanks for your cooperation with this.
Holiday Support Vouchers
If you are on income-based free school meals and received holiday support vouchers from the local authority, you must redeem these by 3rd March.
World Book Day
It's World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March and our theme this year is 'the magic of books'. Year 7 and 8 students will be having extra time in the library taking part in some magical activities and students are invited to dress as a character from their favourite book.
You can find out more about World Book Day, including how students can spend their £1 book voucher, here:
SEND information day
We've been asked to share with you details of Stockport Annual SEND Information Day
Have a great weekend!