Castle Hill Blog, 24.06.2021
Farewell Year 13
Having said goodbye to our year 11 students a couple of weeks ago, it's Year 13's turn this week. They rounded off their time with us by completing their Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award expedition. Due to Covid, this had to be modified somewhat, but still included all the usual camping and hiking skills.
They've been a terrific year group and although we're sorry to see them go, we are delighted that they have all secured college places, apprenticeships or internships. We wish them the very best of luck.
Job success
We've just heard that four students who left our 6th Form last year to do a one-year supported internship at Stepping Hill Hospital, have all secured paid work at the hospital..... well done Zoe, Reece, Alex and Saul!
Home test kits
We'll be sending out the next batch of Covid home test kits for students on Monday. This will contain enough supplies to carry out 7 tests. We've not yet heard whether home testing will continue over the summer break but will let you know as soon as we do.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is now open to all year groups. It's a chance for students who travel to school independently, or are dropped off by their parents or carers, to grab a drink and a snack before school. It's open from 8.00 - 8.40am, with last entry at 8.30am, and all items (hot drinks, toast, cereal etc) cost 50p. Students can use their credits to buy items.
We're in the process of finalising our timetables and pupil groups for September and will be sending out more information over the next three weeks. Students will learn who their form teacher for 2021-22 is next week and we've a couple of 'getting to know you' form sessions planned for subsequent weeks to help the process go as smoothly as possible.
Bird brains
The flock of parakeets that lives in the woods behind school are getting a bit more brazen. They were perched on the wall of our top floor computing suite the other morning. We're not sure what the attraction was (apart from Mr Ullah's lessons of course!), theories so far include sharpening their beaks on the pebbledash, pecking off bits of grit and basking in the heat. Does anyone know better?
Her boots were made for walking!
Mrs Nellis is attempting the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge this coming Saturday, to raise funds for the Alzheimer's Society. If you'd like to support her please visit her JustGiving page:
Speaking as someone who successfully completed the Three Sofas Challenge last weekend, this very much puts me to shame!
Have a great weekend!