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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 23/07/24

As another academic year draws to a close, I take a moment to reflect on the past year. This school really is like no other with such a breadth of exciting curriculum opportunities and an incredible staff team who show such dedication, kindness and care towards our pupils. It really is a privilege to work with our inspirational young people and watch them grow in confidence and independence as they work their way up through the school. No two days are the same and we wouldn't have it any other way. Whether you are a parent, governor or a young person who attends our school, thank you for making this community something so magnificent!

Cuddly Creations!

In Technology this term we have been learning how to design and make crazy creatures in the style of Jon Burgerman. This is Edwin’s character, he has worked totally independently on all that sewing! We are going to send the photographs of our work to Jon Burgerman, we’ll let you know what he thinks of them.

Amazing Adventures!

8S have continued on their museum explorations, this time the Hat Works was the destination of choice. It looks like a grand time was enjoyed by all.

Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary:



Monday 2nd Sep

Staff Inset Day-School closed to pupils

Tuesday 3rd Sep

Autumn term begins

Wednesday 18th Sep

Post 16 Event 3.30pm-More details to follow

Wednesday 25th Sep

Post 18 Event 3.30pm-More details to follow

Friday 27th Sep

Macmillan Coffee Morning-More details to follow

Friday 20th Oct

Break up for half-term holidays

Monday 30th Oct

Return from half-term holidays

Rookie Rockstars Concert

A massive thank you to all of the staff who supported this uplifting event. It was truly wonderful to see the pupils up on stage smiling and dancing. I think the families and friends enjoyed it too!

And Finally...

Have a great summer holiday!

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