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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 23/02/24

Good afternoon! One of my favourite sayings in life is 'fortune favours the brave' which was rather apt this afternoon when the entire school embarked on Mrs Nellis' wonderful welly walk adventure. Given that it feels like we have endured endless dreary rainy days, the sun shone and spirits were high as the pupils sang and cheered their way round. Thankfully this brilliant group of boys built this bridge to enable us all to cross the boggy bits!

Do you or someone you know need a helping hand?

We all have times in our lives that can be difficult and find ourselves in unexpected challenging situations. If you or someone you know is struggling to feed themselves or their family then help is available. Use this link for more details: Stockport Foodbank

Amazing Art

This marvellous model of the Empire State Building was created by Cody Oldfield in Year 10 for his Art qualification portfolio.

Magnificent Maths

These Year 8 books demonstrate the pride and care that is taken to produce excellent work in Maths.

mx 6051 20240223 093626.pdf


mx 6051 20240223 093649.pdf

Make a Splash!

send swimming information.pdf

Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary:



Thurs 7th March

World Book Day

Thurs 7th March

KS3 Silent Disco – 3.00-4.15pm

KS4 Silent Disco – 4.30-5.45pm

(More details to follow)

Thurs 14th March

Year 7 Kingswood Parent Meeting


Wed 20th March

Bag2School Collection

Wed 20th – Fri 22nd March

Year 11 London Residential

Thurs 21st March

World Down Syndrome Day – odd socks

Mon 25th – Wed 27th March

Year 7 Kingswood Residential

Tues 26th March

Year 11 GCSE Drama Performance exam

Thurs 28th March

Break up for Easter holidays

Rewards morning and school finishes at 1pm

Mon 15th April

Return after the Easter holidays

Tues 16th & Wed 17th April

Year 11 GCSE Art exam

W/c 22nd April

Year 11 Work Experience week

Wed 24th – Fri 26th April

Year 13 Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award Practice Expedition

Thurs 25th April

Let’s Get Quizzical (Family Quiz night)

More details to follow

Thurs 2nd – Fri 3rd May

Year 11 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Practice Expedition

Fri 24th May

Break up for May half term holidays

Mon 3rd June

Return after the half term holidays

Fri 14th June

Year 11 Leaving Date

Thurs 27th June

Year 11 Prom (details to follow)

And Finally...Time to Get a Groove on!

Have a great weekend!

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