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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 22/09/23

Welcome to the weekend, I hope that your child has had an enjoyable week here at Castle Hill; it has certainly been a busy one! The spotlight this week will be shining on Construction led by our calm and creative subject lead Mr Walsh. For those of you wondering what wonderful things happen in Construction lessons here is a little taster of how your child will be starting the year:

The year 10s are practicing their sawing skills and getting ready to start their unit 'Manufacture a Product'. Some of the year 11s have started their unit 'Washing a Car Exterior'. The unit looks at following a method to wash a car effectively. Year 12s will be looking at basic joinery and looking at strengths and weaknesses of different joints such as mitre joints, lap joints etc. Finally, Year 13s are starting to brush up on their basic bricklaying skills and creating the stretcher bond pattern to establish how the bricks are laid. 

Bag 2 School Coming Soon!

If you were thinking of clearing out your wardrobe and getting rid of your old things...please keep hold of them a little longer. On Tuesday 14th November, Bag2School will be calling at Castle Hill to collect your unwanted items and swap them for funding for our school!

Sleep Struggles

autism and sleep.pdf

The Return of Stevie the Wonder dog!

Our much loved therapy dog has returned to school putting a smile on many a face and building enthusiasm for reading.


Looking Ahead Dates for the Diary!



Wed 27th September


Post 16 information event at school

Tues 26th September


Parent’s group – all parents/ carers are welcome

Friday 29th September

Macmilan Coffee Morning KS3 9.30am-10.30am &KS4 11.15am-12.15pm

Wed 4th October


Post 18 information event at school

Fri 13th October

Flu vaccinations

Fri 20th October

Break up for October half term holidays

Mon 30th October

Return to school after the holidays

Thurs 9th November


Parents’ Open Morning

w/c 13th November

Anti-Bullying Week

13th November

Deadline for Bag2School Donations

Fri 24th November

INSET day (no pupils in school)

Thurs 21st December

Break up for the Christmas holidays

Mon 8th January

Return to school after the holidays

Net a Goal!

para netball flier.pdf

 Have a great weekend!

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