Castle Hill Blog, 21.10.2022
Many thanks for all of the donations sent in today for our Christmas Fair. We'll be sending out more information about the event next half term.
Our Macmillan Cancer Support fundraiser a few weeks back, was a great success with over 100 parents and carers attending. With your support we raised a very impressive £434 for this excellent cause.
School lunches
Unfortunately, the price of a school lunch has had to be raised by 10p to £2.60. Further information on school lunches and how to apply for free school meals, can be found by clicking on the following link: School lunches
There was a spooky feel to this week's assembly, with Miss Brady explaining some of the traditions around Halloween and form groups entering a pumpkin carving competition. A few of the entries are shown below.
The important message from the assembly was for students to keep safe if they are planning to take part in trick or treating next week.
- Never go trick or treating alone.
- Get permission from parents/carers, let them know where you're going and stay local.
- Only knock on doors of houses that are clearly celebrating Halloween.
- Never go into a stranger's house or car.
- Don't pester elderly neighbours, especially if they live alone.
- Remember the road safety rules.
We'd like to wish all students, carers and parents a happy, safe and relaxing half-term break. School re-opens on Monday 31st October.