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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog, 20.01.2023

This term's clubs

We've just added a Homework Club to our after-school offer. The poster below shows what clubs will be running this term. 

Industrial action

You'll no doubt have heard that one of the teaching unions has voted in favour of industrial action. We're in the process of assessing the implications of this for the safe running of the school and will advise you further as soon as we have a clearer picture.

Snow day procedures

Bearing in mind the weather over the past few days, here's a reminder of our snow day procedures:

If overnight snow means that school cannot open in the morning

We will notify you by text message and post a message on the school website. We will also notify local authority transport. 

If snow during the school day forces a closure

This is a little more complicated, but our priority is to get pupils, and then staff, home as quickly and safely as possible.

If your child is an independent traveller we will send you a text message advising that school is closing and asking you to phone school to confirm that they can travel home immediately.

If you collect your child from school we will send you a text message asking you to collect your child immediately.

If your child is on local authority transport we will send you a text message advising that their usual taxi minibus is on its way to school to collect them.

Once closed, further updates will then be posted on the school website and sent out via text message.

It is clearly vital that we have the most up to date phone number for all parents and carers. If you think we may not have this please notify the school office.

Keeping your child safe online

We've been made aware of concerns in the media about the online game, Roblox. The two websites below have checklists to help parents and carers understand a range of online platforms, including Roblox, and what safety features are available.

NSPCC: Keeping children safe online

SWGfl: Social media checklists

 Chinese New Year

The theme of this week's assembly was Chinese New Year, which begins this weekend... it will be the start of the Year of the Rabbit. In Chinese culture, the rabbit is considered the luckiest of the 12 zodiac animals, representing peace and long life. The following link explains all you need to know about this festival and how it is celebrated:

Chinese New Year

If you fancy getting more involved, then there are sure to be lots of exciting celebrations in Manchester's Chinatown over the weekend. 

Upcoming events

Date Event
Mon 23rd January Year 11 mock GCSE exams begin
Weds 25th January Football tournament at Etihad Stadium (some Year 9 & 10 boys)
Fri 27th January Football match against Reddish Hall School (some Year 9-11 pupils)
Tues 31st January Year 7 table cricket tournament (some Year 7 pupils)
Thurs 2nd February, 3.00-5.00pm  Parents' Evening for Years 8 and 10 

Keeping toastie!

How do you keep warm in a Forest School lesson on an icy cold day? With a toastie cooked on an open fire of course!!!


I think the one in the photo would definitely count as 'well done'!

Enjoy the weekend and keep toastie warm!

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