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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 18/10/24

Our first half-term has flown by, I do hope your child has had a wonderful time! The staff are flushed and happy back from their sponsored walk. It was the perfect time of year to step out and take a moment of staff reflection together under the paint box of autumn leaves. If you would like to make a donation the link is: https://gofund.me/1de28706

Marvellous Mug Design!

Look at this incredible design by one of our very talented artists in Year 9, Kayleigh Leighton.

Your child may also have come home with a beautiful mug design to promote wellbeing. If you would like to order a mug with their design on it please see the link below:


Fabulous Fruit Paintings

In Art this half term, 7A have been looking at drawing skills and they’ve done a great job applying their understanding of creating tones using oil pastels.


A Big Thank You to Our Friends at Bredbury, Morrisons

They kindly donated a trolley full of pumpkins so that those children who had picked floristry for their reward activity could make a spectacular spooky creation!

Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary:



Mon 28th October

Return to school after the holidays

Thursday 31st October

HPV Vaccinations (more details to follow)

Non-uniform day (donation for Christmas Fayre)

Halloween disco 4.00-5.30pm (more details to follow)

Thurs 7th November


Parents’ Open Morning

W/c 11th November

Anti-Bullying Week


Mon 11th November

Bag2school Collection

Year 11 Mock Exams Begin

Tues 12th November

Odd Socks Day – Anti Bullying Week


Wed 20th November


Blood Brothers GCSE Drama trip

Year 11 Mock Exams End

Thurs 28th November

9M, 9S and 9H

Cinema trip to see Paddington

Fri 29th November

INSET day (no pupils in school)

Wed 4th December

Year 9 Immunisations

Thursday 5th December


Year 7 and 10 Parents’ Evening

Sat 7th December


Castle Hill Christmas Fayre

Mon 16th December

Pantomime (NK Theatre Arts)

KS3 (morning), KS4/KS5 (afternoon)

Wed 18th December

Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day

Thurs 19th  December

Break up for the Christmas holidays at 1pm

Mon 6th January

Return to school after the holidays

Bag2School 11th November!

Why not take the opportunity over half-term to sort through your
cupboards and wardrobes and donate clothes, shoes (tied together
please), hats, belts, handbags and soft toys?

We have organised another clothes and shoe
collection with Bag2School, in order to raise
funds for school trips and residential visits.
The school will receive 40p for every kilogram
donated. Bag2School will be collecting from
CHHS on 11.11.24.
Bag2School collection bags have been handed
out this week. Please return to school from Thursday 7th November. If
you fill the donation bag and still have more, then you can use any
other bag to donate your items. Don’t forget to ask grandparents,
friends and neighbours to have a sort out as well!
Thank you in advance for your support with this fundraising project!

And Finally...

Have a great half-term holiday!

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