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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 15/11/24

Castle Hill prides itself on ensuring that when our young people leave they have been given as many different opportunities as possible to develop important life-skills. This week has been no exception.

Year 13 First Aid Course

Learning About Charity Fundraising

Social Skills and Communication

Anti-bullying Week-Respect

Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary:



Wed 20th November




Blood Brothers GCSE Drama trip



Hub Parent Group

Thurs 28th November

9M, 9S and 9H

Cinema trip to see Paddington

Non Uniform Day

(£1 or bottle donation for Christmas Fayre)

Fri 29th November

INSET day (no pupils in school)

Mon 2nd December


MENCAP Christmas Carol Service – 10/11B, 9S and HUB pupils

Wed 4th December

Year 9 Immunisations

Thursday 5th December


Year 7 and 10 Parents’ Evening

Sat 7th December


Castle Hill Christmas Fayre

Mon 16th December

Pantomime (NK Theatre Arts)

KS3 (morning), KS4/KS5 (afternoon)

Wed 18th December

Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day

Thurs 19th  December

Break up for the Christmas holidays at 1pm

Mon 6th January

Return to school after the holidays

Thurs 16th Jan


Year 8 and 11 Parents’ Evening

Thurs 13th Feb


Year 9 and 6th Form Parents’ Evening

Fri 14th Feb

Break up for half term holidays

Uniform Reminder:

The majority of our pupils look really smart and I really appreciate parent and carer efforts, however there are a small minority of pupils who are not following our uniform policy. Therefore form tutors will be conducting spot checks next week to ensure that we do not let our high standards slide.

Remember, we would prefer your child to wear smart school trousers or a skirt, however we understand that they may not be able to tolerate the material. Therefore if they have permission to wear jogging bottoms they must be plain with no visible branding.

Your child can choose to wear trainers instead of shoes but they must be plain black.

Thank you so much for your support and understanding.

And Finally...


Thank you for your clothes and shoes donations. We raised £262.60 for school. We donated our goods to Donate Clothes for Sammy, as this charity splits their funds raised with schools and Leukaemia & Myeloma Research UK.  If you missed the collection this time, please save items for future school collections, as we plan to do a collection each term. Thank you for your support!

Have a great weekend!

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