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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 13/10/24

One can't help feeling nostalgic this time of year, Mrs Brown's wonderful assembly today was about traditions across the world over the Christmas period...from eating KFC on Christmas eve in Japan to BBQing on the beach in Australia! One of my Christmas traditions which I have passed on to my own children is to enjoy the magical story: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Therefore, I was particularly delighted and impressed when this amazing piece of work 'landed on my desk'!

Amazing Art!

Caring for Children

The Year 10 Caring for Children group had a little visitor today! The pupils all worked really hard to engage Eva and she had a wonderful time! Each pupil led a task and they were all Christmassy themed. The pupils had planned the lesson themselves and it was very successful. Well done everyone.

Thank You

We are still totting up the pennies for the grand total amount raised at the Christmas Fayre so we will reveal this in the final Blog of 2024 next Thursday. However, I am delighted to tell you that the Silent Auction organised by Laura Agnew raised a whopping £319! Thank you to all who donated items and for everyone else who took part.

Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary:



Mon 16th December

Pantomime (NK Theatre Arts)

KS3 (morning), KS4/KS5 (afternoon)

Wed 18th December

Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day

Thurs 19th  December

Break up for the Christmas holidays at 1pm

Mon 6th January

Return to school after the holidays

Thurs 16th Jan


Year 8 and 11 Parents’ Evening

W/c 3rd Feb

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

Thurs 13th Feb


Year 9 and 6th Form Parents’ Evening

Fri 14th Feb

Break up for half term holiday

Mon 24th Feb

Back to school after the half term holiday

And Finally...

Have a great weekend!

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