Castle Hill Blog, 13.01.2023
Happy New Year!
Our assembly theme this week was setting yourself a challenge for the new year. If you'd like to play along at home, click on this link to view the assembly powerpoint presentation.
Parent & Carer Group
We've a Parent & Carer Group meeting next Tuesday (16th January), from 9.30-11.30am. This is an opportunity to meet other parents and carers, ask questions and share your views. A Children with Disabilities social worker will also be talking about Short Breaks and activities pupils can access outside of school and our Careers & Lifelong Learning Lead, Miss Wheeler, will share information about our careers curriculum. All parents and carers are welcome and refreshments will be provided.
Wellbeing strategy
Over the past couple of years, we've done a great deal of work in developing our support for the emotional health and wellbeing of pupils, parents, carers and staff. Click on this link to view our strategy and vision for wellbeing at Castle Hill.
Courses for Parents & Carers
Stockport MBC is offering all parents and carers access to a number of online courses, including ‘Understanding Your Child’ and ‘Understanding Your Teenager’s Brain’. The courses normally cost £39, but are free for a limited period. You can find further details here:
Car parking
The reduction in parking spaces on the school site, which we mentioned a few weeks ago, has now come into effect. We really do appreciate parents and carers who are choosing to park off site or are limiting their time in school to just quickly dropping off and picking up.
Reward choices
Our reward choices for this half-term are:
- Baking
- Football
- Chill-out room
- Film & pizza in school
- Go home early
- Paint a pot
- X-Box bus
- Gaming room
- Build a bear
Pupils are asked to choose two of these and are guaranteed to get one of their choices.
All that pupils need to do to get on rewards is to have at least 90% attendance and punctuality and have no serious behaviour incidents this half-term.
Upcoming events
There's a lot going on in school and it's easy to lose track of events. So, in a bid to make things easier, we've decided to include a list of upcoming events in each week's blog.
Date | Event |
Tues 17th January, 9.30-11.30am |
Parent Group Meeting (details above) |
Weds 18th January | Year 9 immunisations (polio, tetanus, diptheria & meningitis). |
Mon 23rd January |
Year 11 GCSE mock exams begin |
Weds 25th January |
Football tournament at Etihad campus (some Year 9 & 10 boys) |
Thurs 2nd February, 3.00-5.00pm |
Parents' Evening for Years 8 and 10 (invite letters will be sent out next week) |
Fri 17th February | Rewards afternoon (details above) |
Mon 20th - Fri 24th February | Half-term break |
Mon 27th February |
INSET day, school closed for pupils |
I'm off to book a place in the rewards afternoon chill-out room, with a pizza and a pot to paint!
Have a great weekend!