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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 10/05/2

Every visitor who comes to our school always talks about what an incredible place it is and how wonderful our pupils/students are. Frequently they talk about the positivity and the resilience shown when faced with unknown challenges. This was beautifully exemplified by the fabulous 7H super swimmers who received a well earned certificate for their sustained efforts in their weekly swimming lessons.

Training for Parents of Children with Autism (or on the pathway)

This training has been designed by Autism Central and in the North West is being delivered by Great Minds Together. Online courses during May and June include Autism and Sleep/ Demand Avoidance/ Emotional Regulation and more. 

Please see the link below for more information: 


Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary:



Mon 20th – Tues 21st May

Year 9 Residential – second group to Alton Towers (and day trip on 21st)

Thurs 23rd May

Lost Property Collection – in school reception (2.30-3.15pm)

Fri 24th May

Break up for May half term holidays

Mon 3rd June

Return after the half term holidays

Thurs 6th June

8E Chester trip - DT

Mon 10th June

8H Chester trip - DT

Tues 11th June

8W Chester trip - DT

Wed 19th June

8P Chester trip  - DT

Fri 14th June

Year 11 Leaver’s Assembly - 9-10.30am

Year 11 Leaving Date

Wed 19th June

Year 13 Leaving Date

Parent/Carer Forum for Hub pupils

Wed 26th – Fri 28th June

Year 8 Residential – Condover Hall

Fri 28th June

INSET day – no pupils in

Thurs 27th June

Year 11 Prom

Wed 3rd July

Year 14 Leaving Date

Tues 9th – Thurs 11th July

Rookie Rockstars

(more details to follow)

Mon 15th (KS3)

Tues 16th July (KS4)


Form Tutor Meet and Greet – 3-3.30pm

(parents/carers get to meet new Form Tutors – more details to follow)

Tues 16th July

Move up Morning

(Pupils get to meet their new Form Tutor and class)

Wed 17th – Fri 19th July

Year 10 Residential - PGL at Newby Wiske

Tues 23rd July

Finish for the Summer Holidays – 1pm

Jolly Jellyfish!

Miss Breslin's Group always know how to brighten everyone's day with their beautiful manners, big smiles and colourful creations.

Hot Weather

As the weather begins to heat up, please remember to provide your child with a water bottle and sunhat. If you know they are going to be outside and it is a sunny day please apply sunscreen before school. 

The use of sunscreens is an effective way of preventing sunburn and is to be encouraged. The NHS recommends the use of a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 15 or above and at least 4-star UVA (ultraviolet A) protection.

  1. Providing sunscreen

Parents may ask school to administer sunscreen and in such cases they should provide suitable sunscreen for their child, which should be labelled with the pupil’s name.

School also keeps a stock of sunscreen for use on an ad hoc occasions eg. PE lessons.

  1. Administering sunscreen

At Castle Hill we promote the self-administration of sunscreen by pupils. Most pupils will be able to do so under supervision.

Staff should not routinely apply sunscreen to pupils and are not expected to do so.

Staff should only apply sunscreen to pupils with parental consent. Staff who do so should only apply it to the face, neck and arms of pupils and a second member of staff should be present whilst it is applied.

And Finally...

Look at this stunning cityscape painting created using blocks by Eli Hill, 7M!


Have a great weekend!

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