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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 10/01/25

Firstly, happy new year to you all! What a strange start to the term. I know that the extreme weather and forced changes to our normal school routine has resulted in many staff feeling discombobulated and anxious so I would like to share my deepest empathy for the impact that it must have had on many of our young people. I really appreciate your understanding and support. Earlier this week many pupils were excited by the fresh snowfall and as such we offered them the opportunity to play in the snow in a fenced area (unfortunately we could not permit this activity later in the week when the snow froze and became too hazardous). This was to allow for safe supervision. Also, for those that wanted to be outside but did not wish to play in the snow they were able to enjoy their play time without the worry of being hit by a snowball. As you can see they had great fun.

Fun in the Snow!

Super Simba!

Simba our school therapy dog made a return to School on Monday which massively helped many of our pupils to feel a sense of positivity and wellbeing about the return after the Christmas break. For parents and carers who aren't aware, if you feel that your child is feeling anxious or sad and that they would benefit from an intervention with Simba please contact School to request this. He really is such a positive, friendly and kind soul and we are so fortunate that Lisa Brook our 6th Form teacher and highly experienced dog trainer shares him with us!

Spectacular Sculptures

As you will have seen in previous posts the Science department are always coming up with innovative ideas to bring complex theory to life! 

Year 11 classes have been learning about the structure of the Earth and what lies beneath our feet, until we reach the centre of the Earth. The pupils have each made a model demonstrating what they have learnt. They have also completed a key.

The architects of these particular models are Ocean Cook 11U and Amie Lawson 11W. I'm sure you will agree that this work is most impressive, a huge well done from me!

Parent/Carer Event in School

As part of our ongoing commitment for parents and carers to build connections with School and each other, Laura Agnew has organised this exciting event.

i see you workshop.pdf

Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary:



Thurs 16th Jan


Year 8 and 11 Parents’ Evening

W/c 3rd Feb

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

Thurs 13th Feb


Year 9 and 6th Form Parents’ Evening

Fri 14th Feb

Break up for half term holiday

Mon 24th Feb

Back to school after the half term holiday

Wed 12th – Fri 14th March

Year 11 London Residential

W/c 24th March

Year 11 Work Experience Week

Fri 11th April

Break up for the Easter holidays

And Finally...

We look forward to seeing all your children bright and breezy on Monday morning at the usual time.

Have a great weekend!

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