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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog, 07.01.2022

Firstly, all the staff at Castle Hill would like to wish students, parents, carers and families a very happy new year.

Progress Reports

Students should be bringing home their Autumn Term progress report early next week. This is a summary report, giving an indication of their progress and effort in each subject over the past term. If you've any queries or concerns once you've seen it, then please contact your child's form teacher in the first instance - email addresses can be found here: https://www.castlehill.stockport.sch.uk/Information/Who-we-are/ 

Parents' Evenings

With Covid cases on the rise locally, we've decided that the parents' evenings that were planned for this half term (Years 7-11), cannot go ahead. Although classrooms could be kept relatively Covid-safe, the congestion on corridors and in reception would have posed too high a risk. We'll put together an alternative plan in the next week or so and share this with you as soon as possible. 

Snow Day arrangements 

As the weather turns more wintery, it seems a good time to remind you of our arrangements in the event of school having to close due to snow. 

If there's heavy snowfall overnight and we decide that it would not be safe to open school, we will send all parents and carers a text message first thing in the morning. A message will also be displayed on the school website.  

If there is heavy snowfall during the school day and we are forced to close early, we will again inform all parents and carers by text message. Pupils who travel to and from school by local authority taxi will be collected by their usual taxi and taken home. Independent travellers will be allowed to make their own way home, once we have had permission from parents and carers. 

For this to run smoothly it's vital that we have your correct contact details. If you think we may not have your current mobile phone number please update the school office as soon as possible.


This certificate arrived in the post yesterday and cheered us up a bit on a cold, wet morning. Many thanks to all of you who contributed to our Children in Need day last term.



Have a great weekend!







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