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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 06/12/24

Welcome to the weekend! If you're frazzled from a busy day at work or wondering what you can make for tea that's quick an easy, stop, take a moment, make yourself a nice cup of tea and feast your eyes on this incredible descriptive synopsis of Shakespeare's epic tale: Romeo and Juliet.

Kayleigh Leighton, 9J.

Perpetual Calendars

Feeling glum under these gloomy skies? Well these radiant smiles and cheery designs are bound to lift your spirits!

Lola-Mae Henshall, 8W.

Ahmad Farooqi, 8W

Festive Flowers

One of our talented parent florists has kindly offered these beautiful Christmas hat arrangements for £30 each. They are great for gifts, easy to look after & stay fresher for longer. Any orders will be delivered to school on the last day of term (19th Dec). Every order will raise £2 to go towards the Castle Hill school fund.

To place an order please email: kim.flitcroft@yahoo.co.uk

Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary:



Mon 16th December

Pantomime (NK Theatre Arts)

KS3 (morning), KS4/KS5 (afternoon)

Wed 18th December

Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day

Thurs 19th  December

Rewards morning

Break up for the Christmas holidays at 1pm

Mon 6th January

Return to school after the holidays

Thurs 16th Jan


Year 8 and 11 Parents’ Evening

Thurs 13th Feb


Year 9 and 6th Form Parents’ Evening

Fri 14th Feb

Break up for half term holidays


Christmas Fayre!

Join us 10am-12pm Saturday 7th December

Don't forget that tomorrow is the day that you will find those extra special festive treats. Immerse yourself in the true spirit of Christmas here at our Fayre. We can't wait to throw those doors open wide and welcome you to a super jolly Saturday morning!

And Finally...

We might also get a VIP visit from our favourite bag-pipe master, Demi-Lea but for now enjoy this Christmas carol to soothe your soul.


Have a great weekend! 

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