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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 06/10/23

After a whirlwind of a week it's Friday again and this morning we were treated to our incredible Demi-Leigh playing bagpipes in Mrs Nellis' diversity assembly. If you would like to have a sneak peak of this head over to our Twitter feed (X).

Dramatic Tales

This term some of our Hub pupils have been enjoying the talents of our inspirational drama teacher!

As part of their drama fairy tales scheme of work. Pupils in HUBM designed their own sets for the 3 little pigs, 1 straw house, 1 house made out of sticks and 1 brick house. Pupils then used the puppets, masks and set to re-enact the story. The pupils have worked for several lessons to create an entertaining performance. 


Macmillan Coffee Morning

School Fundraising

Did you know that you could help raise funds for our school at no extra cost to yourself? When you shop online, with over 7,500 of your favourite brands, including John Lewis & Partners, Amazon, eBay, notonthehighstreet, you will raise FREE donations for Castle Hill High School. If you’re not already signed up, it only takes a few minutes, then you can begin using the website or app straightaway. Visit our easyfundraising page to get started:

Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary!



Fri 13th October

Flu vaccinations

Thurs 19th October

Lost Property in Reception – 2.30-3.15pm

Fri 20th October

Break up for October half term holidays

Mon 30th October

Return to school after the holidays

Thursday 2nd November

Silent Disco

KS3 3.4.15pm

KS4 4.30-5.45pm

Thurs 9th November


Parents’ Open Morning

w/c 13th November

Anti-Bullying Week

Tuesday 14th November

BAG2SCHOOL Collection

Fri 17 th November

Odd Socks Day (Anti-bullying week)

Fri 24th November

INSET day (no pupils in school)

Saturday 9th December

Christmas Fayre 10am-12pm

Wednesday 20th December

Christmas Dinner

Thurs 21st December

Break up for the Christmas holidays

Mon 8th January

Return to school after the holidays


Feel Good Story

Every so often we need a little 'pick me up' to end the week on a positive note...Thomas Kelly- ex Castle Hill student is currently to be heard on Stockport Train Station announcing the arrivals and departures of the trains.

He is doing a work placement with Avanti  that is supported by Pure Innovations.

Thomas is also proving to be invaluable to the company on strike days  as he has detailed knowledge of all the bus routes and timetables!

Well done Thomas...and...mind the gap!!!


 Have a Great Weekend!

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