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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 06/09/24

The warmest of welcome back wishes to all old and new members of our fantastic Castle Hill community. It has been an utterly delightful start to the year. Our pupils have shown great bravery and resilience in coming into school after such a long summer break, in particular our new Year 7 pupils! Please do pass on just how very proud I am of them. All pupils have been working hard and there has been a positive and purposeful buzz in every classroom I have been in. This is also credit to my talented teachers who have worked hard to ensure that this week has been exciting and engaging for all.

Uniform Reminders

We take pride in looking smart for school so please try to ensure the following:

  • your child has black trainers or black school shoes.
  • your child has a white polo t-shirt or standard white shirt (with or without the logo)
  • your child has plain black trousers/shorts/skirt-logos are not permitted.

Parking Reminder

Unfortunately parking is VERY limited on site which I know can be stressful for everyone at pick up times at the end of the day. I am hopeful that once our after school clubs start this will reduce some of the congestion. In the meantime, please can I ask that you do not double park or park where you prevent our school transport from being able to exit the school premises. I really do appreciate your support and consideration in this matter.

Creative Cooking

Our pupil support class have had an incredible start to the year embracing their new bespoke curriculum and teachers. As you can see the cake making was taken very seriously indeed and I'm sure the end product was delicious!

GCSE Drama

The year 11 GCSE drama pupils had a fantastic start to the year; they chose their play for their final performance and got straight up to perform on the first lesson back! Both boys picked characters well suited to them and were enthusiastic and engaged throughout the lesson. It will be exciting to see how their final performance turns out!

Team Work Makes the Dream Work!

One of the fantastic things about pupils participating in forest school is that they develop their communication and team work skills. This picture of some of our Hub pupils perfectly exemplifies them learning how to build something together.

Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary:



Wed 18th September


Post 16 information event at school

Castle Hill Market Day Fundraiser Event (details to follow)

Wed 25th September


Post 18 information event at school

Fri 27th September

Macmillan Coffee Morning (details to follow)

Wed16th October

Flu vaccinations (details to follow)

Fri 18th October

Break up for October half term holidays

Mon 28th October

Return to school after the holidays

Thursday 31st October

Non-uniform day (donation for Christmas Fayre)

Halloween disco (details to follow)

Fri 29th November

INSET day (no pupils in school)

Thurs 19th  December

Break up for the Christmas holidays

Mon 6th January

Return to school after the holidays

And Finally...

Thank you for your donations for the Bag2School Collection in July - we raised £120! We plan to hold one each term again this year. Our next collection is 11th November, so please save any unwanted clothes, bags and soft toys to help raise money for our school.

Thank you for your support with the Tesco blue token scheme.  We are delighted to have come 2nd place in the voting, which took place in the Stockport Tesco stores from April-June.  CHHS will soon receive £1000, to subside the cost of installing a new Hub Trim Trail!

Free and customizable thank you templates

Have a great weekend!

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