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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 04/10/24

This week's spotlight is shining on our 6th form pupils who have been embracing the world of work. Ben has started this term in a new work placement within a charity shop. He is enjoying all the responsibility and getting sections tidied up and organised. Sarah, Ben's manager thinks he is a great addition to the team!

Ben – Yr13

Jack has changed his placement this term due to a change in work days… Although he misses his old placement, his new work place rewards his hard work with hot chocolate and toast! The staff at the Café believe that he is doing a fantastic job.

Jack – Yr13

Kayla has been so successful on her work placement that she has been given a thank you card and a gift card to treat herself, well done Kayla!

The lads have shown some fantastic customer service and responsibility and I have had the great pleasure of seeing them exceed in work over the past few weeks. Every placement I have been to have all given amazing feedback and how much they enjoy having them in their business. 

  • - Shaun Rule work experience coordinator.

information evening.pdf

Food Glorious Food!

We pride ourselves on our school providing academic progress as well as important skills for life. Elliot and Gideon in Year 7 are fine tuning their hosting skills making a spectacular job of tea and toast. 

Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary:



Wed 16th October

Flu vaccinations (details to follow)

Fri 18th October

Break up for October half term holidays

(finish at 1pm)


Staff sponsored walk


Mon 28th October

Return to school after the holidays

Thursday 31st October

HPV Vaccinations (more details to follow)

Non-uniform day (donation for Christmas Fayre)

Halloween disco 4.00-5.30pm (more details to follow)

W/c 11th November

Anti-Bullying Week


Mon 11th November

Bag2school Collection

Tues 12th November

Odd Socks Day – Anti Bullying Week

Wed 20th November


Blood Brothers GCSE Drama trip

Fri 29th November

INSET day (no pupils in school)

Wed 4th December

Year 9 Immunisations

Thursday 5th December


Year 7 and 10 Parents’ Evening

Sat 7th December


Castle Hill Christmas Fayre

Monday 16th December

Pantomime Theatre Performance In School

(more details to follow)

Wed 18th December

Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day

Thurs 19th  December

Break up for the Christmas holidays

Mon 6th January

Return to school after the holidays

And Finally...

Bored at the weekend? This monthly youth group in Stockport is run by local churches. It is a general youth club that also includes a Christian themed talk/activity. .

 Have a great weekend!

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