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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 03/11/23

Good afternoon, I hope you have had a good week, we certainly have! 


In PE pupils have really enjoyed the input from a range of external professionals:

6th form - tennis at Davenport tennis club

year 9 - Football with Stockport county

Year 10 and tear 8 Cricket with Cheshire cricket board

Year 10 Rugby Sale sharks

Cake Sale

Our delightful Year 8 nurture group organised a cake sale to raise money for Operation Christmas Child.

School Award

A massive congratulations to our inspirational forest school and outdoor learning lead, John Hadley, who has worked tirelessly to achieve the Gold Award for Outdoor Learning. What an achievement!

castle hill high school outdoor learning award gold award school certificate.pdf

validation report castle hill high school ola gold.pdf

Special Menu

As agreed by our pupil led school council we will celebrate Diwali with some learning activities to understand the story and then a special meal to enjoy some traditional food. If your child doesn't normally have a school dinner but they would like a meal on this day you will recieve a text so that you can opt to purchase this.

diwali menu.pdf

Looking Ahead... Dates for the Diary:



Thurs 9th November


Parents’ Open Morning

Friday 10th

Bag2School drop off

w/c 13th November

Anti-Bullying Week

Mon 13th November

Bag2School  Collection

Diwali themed lunch – can order through ParentPay

Fri 17th November

Odd Socks Day (Anti-bullying week)

Fri 24th November

INSET day (no pupils in school)

Tues 19th December

Christmas Show

(KS3 and HUB at 11am)

(KS4 and KS5 at 1.15pm)

Wed 20th December

Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day

Thurs 21st December

Break up for the Christmas holidays

(school finishes at 1pm)

Mon 8th January

Return to school after the holidays

And Finally...

A gargantuan thank you to the staff who gave up their time to support with last night's silent disco as well as the amazing Autisk who lent us the equipment and Laura Agnew who did a lot of the organising. The pupils had a brilliant time AND we raised a whopping ££231.17 to subsidise school rewards and school trips.


Have a great weekend!

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