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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog, 03.09.2021

Welcome back!

I came into school a few times over the summer holiday, and although it was nice for us to have the opportunity to get all of the corridors painted and for our new Site Manager, Andy, to give the building a thorough makeover, an empty school never feels quite right. So it was great to welcome all of our students back yesterday and feel that proper 'school buzz'. A special mention must go to our new Year 7 students, who are impressing us with how quickly they're settling in and getting used to the new routines. 

Exams success

Last year's Year 11 students did themselves proud in their examinations.

  • Students achieved an average of 11.5 qualifications each (GCSE, BTEC, Entry Level Certificate and Functional Skills)
  • 76% of students achieved at least one GCSE
  • 27% of students achieved GCSEs in both English and maths
  • 14% of students achieved four or more GCSEs
  • All students achieved a qualification (GCSE or Entry Level Certificate) in English and maths.

The success story was repeated across the full range of courses we offer.

Lisburne building works

Building work began on the new Lisburne School this week. The site is adjacent to us and the new school will share our driveway. The contractors have promised that disruption will be kept to a minimum during the construction, which is scheduled to last through to next summer, and they have agreed that heavy trucks and machinery will not access the site during periods when our students are arriving  and leaving school. The contractor is making 20 parking spaces available, for use by Castle Hill and Fairway Primary parents during drop off and pick up times, on the old tennis courts to the left of the school entrance near the Life Leisure building. 

Covid testing

The Government have asked that secondary age students continue home-testing throughout September. If you're not currently receiving kits from us but would like to do so, then please phone school. We've sent a text message to parents of Year 7 students asking if they'd like their child to take part.

Form teacher contact

Your child's form teacher will be phoning you at some point over the next few weeks to introduce themselves and answer any questions you may have.

Move over Picasso!

Hana, in Year 12, produced the artwork shown below as a birthday gift for her mum... and it has only gone and been selected to feature in an exhibition at Stockport Art Gallery! Well done Hana!!!


The exhibition is called 'Better Together' and begins on 25th September. 

Advance notice

We've got the school photographer coming in on Tuesday 14th September. We like to do this early in the school year when students are looking their very smartest in their new school uniforms!  I'm off to book a hair appointment so that I look my best too!

Have a great weekend!



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