Castle Hill Blog 01/12/23
Although this week has been incredibly icy, our dedicated site manager has been out at the crack of dawn ensuring that all the paths and outdoor walkways have been gritted. We are very lucky to have such a hard working member of our team who is willing to brave the elements to keep us all safe!
Country Life
Finlay Williams in year 12, is enjoying his placement at a riding stables.
What a lovely, blue sky!

Out and About
Hub H went to Aldi on Monday as part of a life skills lesson. Their topic currently is Road Safety, they have discussed safe places to cross such as a zebra or a pedestrian crossing which they noted along the way!

The lovely Erin representing her class!
HAF Information
Calendar Creations!
Some amazing examples of the work pupils have been doing this term in Design Technology. In year 7 they made key fobs. As you can see Harry's definitely has the wow factor! In year 8 pupils have made desk calendars and I'm sure you'll agree that Joshua's is absolutely fantastic. Thank you to Mrs McGuiness for sharing your wonderful work with us all and well done to your pupils for their creative masterpieces.
Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary:
Date |
Event |
Thurs 7th December (3-6pm) |
Year 7 & Year 10 Parents’ Evening |
Fri 8th December |
Non-uniform day – bottle donations for Christmas Fayre |
Sat 9th December |
Christmas Fair (10am -12pm) |
Thurs 14th December & Fri 15th December |
Lost property collection in the school reception at end of the day |
Mon 18th December |
Christmas Pantomime KS3/ HUB (at 11am) KS4/ KS5 (at 1.15pm) |
Tues 19th December |
Christmas Show for staff and pupils (KS3 and HUB at 11am) (KS4 and KS5 at 1.15pm) |
Wed 20th December |
Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day |
Thurs 21st December |
Break up for the Christmas holidays (school finishes at 1pm) |
Mon 8th January |
Return to school after the holidays |
Wed 17th January |
Last year’s Year 11 and Year 13 certificate collection (3-4pm in the Vocation Centre) |
Thurs 25th January (3-6pm) |
Year 8 and Year 11 Parents’ Evening |
Thurs 8th Feb (3-6pm) |
Year 9 and 6th Form Parents’ Evening |
Friday 9th Feb
Break up for half term holidays
And Finally...
Work experience week will take place on the week of the 22nd and 26th April 2024. Some of our Year 11 pupils will spend a week in a place of work gaining first hand experience of the workplace.
Can you help?
While we try our hardest to find placements for pupils, we really appreciate support from parents/carers, our friends and colleagues who can offer a work placement for our pupils. If you feel that you or someone you know could offer a placement and would like more information please contact our lovely careers lead
For our pupils who are not going out on a placement, there will be a week of work focused independence activities based in school. This will include group visits to different places of work.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Rhian Wheeler.