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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 01/11/24

Welcome back to a shiny new half-term, I do hope you all had a splendid break! One of the things that makes our school truly unique and a fantastic place to grow up and learn as a pupil and continue to broaden our minds as adults is the vast and diverse range of complex learning and physical needs experienced by our young people. Our school community truly believes in celebrating difference and embracing our individual talents. This is exemplified in an inspirational film that shows Sienna Pountain, one of our Year 9 pupils explaining the challenges around the beauty industry's perception of what teenage girls want and need to use on their skin. We are so proud of her for articulating her lived experiences and hopefully changing things for the better for others in the future. Well done Sienna!

Cool Creation

Here is one of our year 10 GCSE art students. He had been watching videos of someone making very intricate, life-size cardboard models. 

He used this inspiration and made his own wearable costume of a gaming character. It’s even better in real life. Well done Daley Garside!


Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary:



Thurs 7th November


Parents’ Open Morning

W/c 11th November

Anti-Bullying Week


Mon 11th November

Bag2school Collection

Tues 12th November

Odd Socks Day – Anti Bullying Week

Fri 15th November

Non Uniform Day

(£1 or chocolate tombola donations for Christmas Fayre)

Wed 20th November


Blood Brothers GCSE Drama trip

Thurs 28th November

9M, 9S and 9H

Cinema trip to see Paddington


Non Uniform Day

(£1 or bottle donation for Christmas Fayre)

Fri 29th November

INSET day (no pupils in school)

Wed 4th December

Year 9 Immunisations

Thursday 5th December


Year 7 and 10 Parents’ Evening

Sat 7th December


Castle Hill Christmas Fayre

Mon 16th December

Pantomime (NK Theatre Arts)

KS3 (morning), KS4/KS5 (afternoon)

Wed 18th December

Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day

Thurs 19th  December

Break up for the Christmas holidays at 1pm

Mon 6th January

Return to school after the holidays

Thank you

Our remembering Roxy Oldfield non-uniform day raised £305 for the Blackburn Cat Rescue which was a charity very close to Roxy's heart. We really appreciate your generosity towards this worthy cause.

Happy Halloween!

All the pupils and staff had a superb time at the school disco last night, it was great to see them in their finest clothes and Halloween outfits. A massive thank you to all my wonderful staff who gave up their time to make this event such a spooktacular experience for all.

In keeping with the them of Halloween look at these impressive pumpkin pictures drawn by Alissa Peers in Year 7.

And this spine-tingling story from Ronnie Gill, Year 7:

spooky story.pdf

And Finally...

Have a great weekend!

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