Castle Hill Blog, 01.10.2021
It's all about voting this week.....
Parent Governor election
The deadline for submitting your vote for our parent governor election is mid-day on Tuesday 5th October.
School Council election
Our School Council is made up of two students from each year group and we held our annual election this week. The successful candidates were:
Year 7: Nathan & Katelyn
Year 8: Benji and Ronin
Year 9: Kodi and Morgan
Year 10: Ben and David
Year 11: Chenai and Jack
Congratulations to all of them and to the other candidates who put themselves forward.
The School Council will be holding their first meeting in the next couple of weeks and their focus will be thinking of ways of improving the school. They've a budget of £100 to spend each term. Watch this space for details of what they come up with!
School links
In Forest Schools today, 9D were able to toast marshmallows around a campfire and were joined by a class of younger students from Fairway Primary. Mr Hadley tells me that our students were extremely caring and helpful with the Fairway children. Well done 9D!
Mr T's target
This week's target for students is to pay someone a compliment. And with that in mind.... "You all look wonderful! Have a great weekend!"