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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 01/03/24

One of the things that makes Castle Hill such a fabulous place to be is the determination and resilience of our pupils to succeed, even when faced with unknown or difficult challenges. With encouragement from friends, we can all achieve far more than we think!

Connor in Year 7 proudly showing off his certificate of achievement for completing the welly walk. Well done Connor and to everyone who took part!

Admirable Art

Here is some impressive work created by Mrs Mullen's fabulous Y11b art group:

Jayren Cooke

Kaine Risk 

Caring for Children

This fabulous year 10 Caring for Children class have been working on the topic ‘Play and learning in the home’. They have worked hard researching toys and activities appropriate for babies and toddlers. They planned a session for a 2 and 3 year old with activities appropriate for both age groups. The whole class worked really hard on this and when Ivy and Eva came in to experience the session everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. Ivy and Eva were sad the session ended and wanted to stay and play some more! 

Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary:



Thurs 7th March

World Book Day

(dress up as your favourite book character)

Thurs 7th March

KS3 Silent Disco – 3.00-4.15pm

KS4 Silent Disco – 4.30-5.45pm


Thurs 14th March

Year 7 Kingswood Parent Meeting


Wed 20th March

Bag2School Collection

Wed 20th – Fri 22nd March

Year 11 London Residential

Thurs 21st March

World Down Syndrome Day – odd socks

Mon 25th – Wed 27th March

Year 7 Kingswood Residential

Tues 26th March

Year 11 GCSE Drama Performance exam

Thurs 28th March

Break up for Easter holidays

Rewards morning and school finishes at 1pm

Mon 15th April

Return after the Easter holidays

Tues 16th & Wed 17th April

Year 11 GCSE Art exam

W/c 22nd April

Year 11 Work Experience week

Wed 24th – Fri 26th April

Year 13 Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award Practice Expedition

Thurs 25th April

Let’s Get Quizzical (Family Quiz night)

More details to follow

Thurs 2nd – Fri 3rd May

Year 11 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Practice Expedition

Thurs 23rd May

Lost Property Collection – in school reception (2.30-3.15pm)

Fri 24th May

Break up for May half term holidays

Mon 3rd June

Return after the half term holidays

Fri 14th June

Year 11 Leaver’s Assembly (more details to follow)

Year 11 Leaving Date

Wed 19th June

Year 13 Leaving Date

Wed 26th – Fri 28th June

Year 8 Residential – Condover Hall

Fri 28th June

INSET day – no pupils in

Thurs 27th June

Year 11 Prom (more details to follow)

Wed 3rd July

Year 14 Leaving Date

Tues 23rd July

Finish for the Summer Holidays – 1pm

World Book Day

Feast your eyes on this incredible bonanza of activities taking place next week...

- Gruffalo Trails during forest school
- Exploring 'The Ugly Five' in science
- Visit 'The Smeds and the Smoos' in outer space in performing arts
- Design book covers and spines in ICT
- In food tech, Year 7 will make 'Yeti' Spaghetti and Year 8 will make 'Pirate' Pizza 
- English lessons will promote a love of reading and the idea of "getting lost in a book"
On World Book Day, there are a number of exciting events for pupils to get involved in:
- The World Book Day: Footy & Booky Quiz 2024 
- Julia Donaldson immersive reading activities will take place in the library all day 
- P2-P5 we have The Poynton School of Dance in to teach some of our pupils a dance from Matilda the Musical. 
- 8S will experience the Gruffalo read in Glaswegian during morning reading
Plus don't forget there are exciting prizes up for grabs for dressing up as a book character.

Silent Disco

If you haven't already booked a ticket for this exciting event do it now...there are a few tickets remaining!

And Finally...

Sixth Form Success: Congratulations to Sixth Form student Brandon Goodier who has secured part time paid work in the Food and Beverage department at Stockport County.

 Have a great weekend!


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