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Castle Hill High School

School Development Plan

Castle Hill High School was inspected by Ofsted in May 2017 and was again judged to be an outstanding school.  The inspection team highlighted our quest for continued, ongoing school improvement, as shown by the following quote from the Ofsted report:


School development planning is precise and strategic. leaders focus upon clear success measures to check upon progress and future actions. this agreed system ensures rapid improvements.


The governors and staff of Castle Hill are committed to providing the very best quality education for students. Underpinning this is a commitment to continuous improvement through a cycle or target setting and review which is set out in a detailed and rigorous School Development Plan. This identifies our priorities for the year and drives our self-review and staff appraisal process.

At Castle Hill we take professional development very seriously and strive to ensure all of our teaching staff are given opportunities to develop their teaching and leadership skills. We also offer a real career pathway for our teaching assistants and strive to nurture and develop talent. Nine of our current teachers began with us as teaching assistants and another two are currently following degree courses with a view to progressing to Qualified Teacher Status. Castle Hill is also a member of The Altius Alliance, a group of South Manchester primary and secondary schools committed to training the teachers of tomorrow.

Our School Development Plan for 2023-24 is under termly review by staff and governors.


An audit of our previous two School Development Plans can be viewed here:

School_Development_Plan_SEF 2022-23.docx

School Development Plan 2021-22, Summer term audit



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