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Castle Hill High School

Our Quality Statements

Castle Hill High School has a clear Mission Statement:

To offer an inclusive learning environment that encourages students to take active control of their learning and behaviour, to embrace challenge and to develop into responsible adults.


And an aspirational motto:

Learning for life


The ethos that we strive to instil in our students is:  

Respect & Achieve


What Ofsted said about us in their most recent inspection report:

Castle Hill High School is a vibrant and exciting place to learn.


Pupils, including students in the sixth form, thrive in the calm and harmonious atmosphere that exists at the school.


Leaders have established an inclusive and ambitious curriculum.


Leaders consider the development of pupils’ reading, language and communication skills to be of the highest priority.


Pupils behave exceptionally well. Their learning is rarely interrupted. Teachers routinely check how pupils feel when they arrive at lessons and they are adept at helping pupils to manage their emotions so that they are ready to learn. Consequently, pupils develop confidence in their own abilities and they show a high level of motivation and positivity towards their learning.


Pupils relish the opportunities that they have to develop their talents and interests.


What parents said about us in our most recent annual Parent Survey:

Castle hill are an amazing school, they have done so much for my child and I could not imagine him achieving what he has achieved anywhere else.


Castle Hill is a very positive, nurturing environment for students and the relationship the staff have with the students is supportive and encouraging.  Our daughter is flourishing at Castle Hill.


What students said about us in our most recent annual Student Voice consultation:

The teachers try to make all lessons interesting.


The teachers treat me with respect and I have made good progress and my mum is really pleased with me.


What The Good Schools Guide say about us:

An ease and harmony exists between students despite their varying needs and previous school experiences. One parent also highlighted this saying, 'children know each other’s problems - they’re in a bubble and it’s nice bubble to be in.’ We met an engaging group of students from across several year groups, and were struck by how confident and reflective they were about their own journeys.

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