Examination Information
Examinations will happen as normal in 2024. For further information about these examinations please see the Ofqual 2024 Student Guide
There is also guidance from Ofqual with tips for coping with exam pressure:Exam Pressure a Guide for Students
Examination regulations
You must attend school at least 15 minutes before the start of the examination. If you are late, the examination will start without you and the Examination Board may refuse to accept the work that you do.
Lateness, illness and other circumstances
If you are too ill to attend or unavoidably late then you must call school on 0161 2853925 as soon as possible.
If you are taken ill at school, have any significant health concerns or other genuine problems affecting your performance, you must see Mrs Atherton as soon as possible.
If you feel unwell during an examination, let an invigilator know immediately.
The Examination Board may take your circumstances into account but only if you have followed the guidance above.
Authorised Materials
You are only allowed to bring the following equipment into the examination room:
- Normal writing equipment either loose or in a clear see-through pencil case or bag.
- A calculator (not permitted in all examinations).
- Water but only in a small, re-sealable container with any label removed.
Anything other than the items listed above will be regarded as ‘unauthorised materials’ by the Examination Boards and must not be in your possession for any examination or speaking test.
Unauthorised Materials
- Mobile phone, must be switched off and handed in at the start of each examination.
- MP3 or 4 players/ipods/watches or any other electronic equipment.
- Earphones
- Notes of any description.
- Dictionaries unless otherwise stated.
- Calculator lids, cases and /or instruction leaflets.
- Coats or any other outdoor clothing.
- Scrap paper or blotting paper.
- Tissues in packets.
You can face disqualification by the Examination Board if you do not follow the rules, even if you have not attempted to use any items for dishonest reasons.
Once you have entered the examination room, you must not communicate with other candidates in any way. You may only speak with the invigilators.
Once seated you must face the front at all times and only look at your own work. To avoid any misunderstanding, do not look at other candidates in the rows either side of you or behind you.
Your conduct in the examination room must not disturb or distract any other candidate. You must remain silent until you have left the examination room at the end of the examination and respect the fact that there may be some candidates still working.
- Never write in your answer booklet until you are instructed to do so, not even to fill in your candidate details.
- Always check that have been given the correct question paper for your subject and unit and that you have everything listed. Note the time allowed and read all instructions carefully.
- Ensure you fill in answer booklets and any supplementary sheets according to the instructions.
- If you need to attract an invigilator’s attention at any point in the examination, please raise your hand. Do not call out.
Fire Alarm
If the fire alarm sounds, remain in silence and listen carefully to the instructions given to you by the Invigilator/s or member of staff. Examination conditions continue to apply even if there is an evacuation. You must not communicate with other candidates at all and if you do so, it is likely that the Examination Board will disqualify you for that examination.
At the end of an examination
You are not allowed to leave an examination before the stated finish time even if you have finished working.
When the invigilator tells you to stop writing you must do so straight away. You must not attempt to finish a question or a sentence but should immediately close your answer book.
If you are unsure about any of these rules then please see Mrs Atherton, Examinations Officer or Mrs Hudson Head Teacher.
Summer Results Day 2024:
GCSE Results Day - 22nd August 2024 in the school main reception at 10.00am
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