Bursary 2024-25
The 16-19 Bursary Fund is intended to help the most vulnerable 16-19 year olds in
full-time education.
The fund is made up of two parts:
1. A vulnerable bursary of up to £1,200 a year to the most vulnerable 16-19 year
olds if at least one of the following applies to the young person:
- In care.
- Care leavers.
- Receiving Income Support (IS), or Universal Credit (UC) because they are
financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and
someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or
partner. - Receiving Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence
Payments (PIP) in their own right as well as Employment and Support
Allowance (ESA) or UC in their own right.
2. Discretionary bursaries to support young people facing financial barriers to
education to contribute to the costs of transport, meals, books and equipment.
Stockport Council is responsible for assessing and making payments for pupils
attending Castle Hill School. Please find attached the application form which can
either by returned to school or by email to Stephanie Hardy at Stockport Council at: steph.hardy@stockport.gov.uk
The deadline for returning the form is Friday 3 November 2023.
If you need any help with completing the form, please contact Stephanie Hardy by email: steph.hardy@stockport.gov.uk or telephone: 07890 066 422
Bursary Application Form 24-25.docx